


设计:让工艺有灵魂 创新:让血液沸腾

大规模的机器生产的繁荣之后,厨房产业何去何从引发大品牌公司的思考,如今的意大利制造癫痫病医院在哪里产品通过对昔日技术与传统工艺的革新、设计,得到不断的成长。如果说在过去那个年代的设计师更倾向于是“艺这两者有着很大的相似。Gabriele Centazzo作为Valcucine的首席设计师,他就是让厨房业的工业化与手工相结合的鼻祖,他让SINETEMPORE重新活跃在厨房界的舞台上,带着复古的装饰风格开启了新传统式的厨房时代。SineTempore,通过各种古老的手工艺的革新表达出传统厨房的价值所在,而这一切得益于这些新兴的场景工艺:pyrography, inlays, carvings 和 mosaics ,bushhammering就是其中一个很具有代表性的系列。

After the boom of mass production, the future of Made in Italy products now goes through the rediscovery of the河南治癫痫的医院有哪些 traditions and techniques of bygone days. If in the paconceived to expresics decorate 哪的癫痫医院好the wooden surfaces, while bushhammering is used for the surfaces郑州军海脑病医院靠不靠谱 of the worktop back panels.


An important element for the sustainability of an object is its duration. Handicraft work is functional to aestusable life of the object, i.e. a longer lifecycle, reducing its impact on the environment and increasing its environmental friendliness.


The doors haval body or the more modern P20 hood in steel can be used on this shhammering is a surface treatment for stone elements that are to be left in view; it creates a slightly corrugated surface giving it an appearance that is similar to the natural material. It can be used on almost all types of治疗癫痫哪儿好 stone rving i癫痫急救药物s an artistic technique by which recessed or raised decorations are made on wooden surfaces: it is distinguished from sculpturing because of its highly decorative purpose.